off to the land of wonders

It came. Just a week and a half after submitting my papers the call was in my hand. I walked slowly to the mailbox that wednesday  afternoon but coming back i was running. Running and hyperventilating. I could not believe it, my future was in a envelope with $1.90 postage that I stuffed under my pillow to stop me from ripping it to shreds before the family had assembled. I screamed I cried I knew soon everything would be clear. So at the appointed hour, 9:05 (Carolyn was a little late-per usual) I opened it, I wrest that letter from its envelope and there is was before my eyes, Armenia Yerevan mission. I was called to serve in the Armenia Yerevan mission, speaking Armenian. woah, I never in a million years saw that coming. But  despite the surprise, I had never read something so personally connected to me that felt like such pure truth. One word-Armenia-held my future and for some reason had always felt like it was a part of my past. Olivia once said that reading her call had just felt so comfy, Elizabeth had said it was like coming home, those girls were right. It may be thousands upon thousands of miles away, but Armenia, that little landlocked country just 400 miles from Baghdad, could not feel more like home. thank Heaven for that.


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