Dear Mother, I started a blog

There are many reasons to start a blog, I guess. If I were visually creative I could dazzle you with my fabulous party ideas or copious design thoughts, but alas my skills in these areas are lacking. My mom always said that people with blogs are well, people with blogs. She spoke of said people with the same tone of voice which she uses when discussing dog people (we own two cats). But here I am, a faithful daughter of my sage mother, and I am starting a blog.

I am mainly writing because I think of myself as an anomaly. I may not be a hipster whose clothes are utterly unique in their utter shabbiness, I am no zoobie (BYU parlance for over-eager self righteous types) in my pristine white sneakers and t-shirts so long there is simply no way any ounce of midriff would ever show, and alas I am not really outstanding at anything in particular . But I am who I am and I stand out for some reason. There is no one else like me and I thought I'd let the world know.

I may seem like just another girl at BYU and maybe I am, but in a sea of pink fuzzy sweaters, I am a khaki trenchcoat. So mom, take comfort, it could be worse.


  1. haha! Love your blog! It looks like you are having a blast and I am so happy for you!


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