The mind will change-the papers are in
I guess this may come as a shock in light of what my last post contained. I have been meaning to write for weeks but have just gotten busy, and well you know how that goes. So, the change. I'm going on a mission. I'm going, my papers are in, submitted, in the hands of Church headquarters in Salt Lake City. wow. if you would have told me two months ago that I would be going on a mission, i would have answered you much in the way I wrote my last post, nope, it's just not for me. But the true beauty of agency lay in the fact that one can change their mind, once you are on one path, you can change course at any time.
It was just a moment of clarity. As if finally my Spirit was in line with the will of the Lord. I let go of the fear, of the stubbornness that said no, no, no and allowed my heart to be filled with the desire. The desire, that is what came and it was through that feeling that my answer was sure. I had to go, I always, always knew this, but for a brief moment I had forgotten. I'm listening to a beautiful piano concerto by Mozart right now, and the very best way that I can describe how i came to know that this path is now the right one is as Elder Quentin L. Cook put it in General Conference, we must put our minds in tune with the music of faith, so that we become open to the Spirit. Elder Cook's talk reminded me of the fact that I had been out of tune, I had forgotten who I truly wanted to become, and an integral part of that was going to be missionary work. Once the decision was made, I never once looked back. I pressed forward and now with my papers sitting at Church headquarters, I eagerly await the call from the Lord. Never before have I felt that my life is so literally in the hands of the Lord. I know I always try to do His will, but within a week (hopefully!) I literally know His will for me, where it is He wants me to live and serve during the next 18 months of my life. So I'll let you know. I'm walking by faith, hoping with faith that I can be equal to the task ahead. The nerves come in sometimes, but I take comfort in the admonition in 2 Timothy 1:8, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. " Thank Heaven for that.
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