First day at the Louvre...many more to follow
As I write this at the end of my day today I am utterly exhausted. Not quite sure why, but it may have been perhaps the miles I walked today, just a guess. Class to
day was splendid, discussed the merits of Christine de Pizan, one of my favorite female authors and one who was revolutionary for her time. What a relief that a thinking woman is not a new concept. After class we munched on a pain au chocolate amande, which was divine! For hours Kayla and I walked along the Seine, basking in the slow ripple of the current and the beaming sunshine. Bought a few postcards to send to a few token people, and later met up with a group of friends to try our hand at tackling the Louvre. It was amazing to say the least and I am sure that I have only seen a minuscule portion of it! A room full of Rubens, huge tapestries and enormous stained glass windows, all within one little hallway of the palace. Sadly the museum closed before we got to even begin our searching, but many more visits are currently in our plans. Returned home after a very long day, off to bed early because tomorrow is our trip to Chartres!!! Pictures to follow!
(Picture above-Georges La Tour-Lamentation of St. Sebastian, I studied it in Humanities!)
(Picture above-Georges La Tour-Lamentation of St. Sebastian, I studied it in Humanities!)
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