Claire's Mission in Armenia "The snow is melting and these hunters are earning their keep"
To my Dear ones,
The Weather has improved dramatically temperature wise but the snow has continued to fall and thus the streets are slushy and muddy and yucky. Lucky for me I have my trust Hunter boots that literally get me through anything, they were worth every little penny.
Such a good week this week. Started off with last monday 4 new investigators!! YAY! They are so excited and the mom, Melsida especially loved it, came to church yesterday, loved it and knew so many people there, having friends at church really makes the difference! So happy to be teaching them and helping them progress in the gospel. This is what it is all about. Helping families understand their purpose in life and how they can return to live with God again. So exciting! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!
This week was lots of teaching. Hranush our tatik investigator who can't really see, can't read the Book of Mormon, so we go every other day and read to her. Its great and she really loves it and its great for my pronunciation because she always corrects me when I pronounce something wrong. haha. love it. Then we met with Laura, a older gal who is less active, we brought her the Conference Liahona and taught about what the Liahona is and how we must be faithful, and being faithful means acting, which in the case of a magazine means opeing it up and reading. It was great and she told me that I needed to try out for Miss Armenia... I told her that I'm not armenian and she said that I could just pretend. hmm, a career path I could consider post mission.
We took a littl stroll through the shuka, which is a huuuge open air market. Lots of meat on tables, and severed animal heads proving that its fresh..hehe. no I did not purchase any meat. There was tons and tons of fruit, which is amazing, and just everything you could ever want could be found there. Very cool.
St. Sarkis day was Saturday and what that means is you eat a salty cookie and don't drink any water then you go to bed and in your dreams a man will come and bring you a glass of water and that is the man that you are supposed to marry. Well I ate the cookie, but I drank some water before bed, so it didn't work. Well, hopefully next year, haha.
Also we were at an investigators house teaching a lesson and they had the TV on, (their TVs are always on) and it was some Russian music show with a big live audience. It was seriously something straight out of Hunger Games, mims, all the people looked like they were straight from the Capitol, it was weird. The Capitol exists, apparently it is in Russia, haha.
Church yesterday was such a highlight. We had several investigators there and I sang in Sacrament meeting, "O my Father" to the tune of Come thou fount, and I sang it in Armenian! ha. who knew? It went really well and I only messed up a few words. It was great and everyone was so nice. After church we went to visit a member and her very old ailing father and I sang to him. My goodness the Spirit was so strong! I really felt the truth of what I was singing. We came from God's prescence and we are going to return to live with Him if we are faithful. This is amazing, the Gospel is amazing! I have been studying the abundant life this week and that is what we are promised. We have life, but through the Lord we can have it more Abundantly, what a beautiful thought. I love John 10:10 and Alma 37:37 about this. Read it! I love you all so much! I am in a crazy place. but I have learned so much so far and I can't wait to keep learning!!
love you all!!!
Sister Claire Haynie
ps. The Armenian Apostolic Church was actually suppressed during the USSR, but it was kept alive by the faithful. Amazing that such faith in Christ was able to sustain these people for so long, and so now we can build on that already strong foundation and help them receive the fullness of the Gospel! How great is that? xoxo
The Weather has improved dramatically temperature wise but the snow has continued to fall and thus the streets are slushy and muddy and yucky. Lucky for me I have my trust Hunter boots that literally get me through anything, they were worth every little penny.
Such a good week this week. Started off with last monday 4 new investigators!! YAY! They are so excited and the mom, Melsida especially loved it, came to church yesterday, loved it and knew so many people there, having friends at church really makes the difference! So happy to be teaching them and helping them progress in the gospel. This is what it is all about. Helping families understand their purpose in life and how they can return to live with God again. So exciting! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!
This week was lots of teaching. Hranush our tatik investigator who can't really see, can't read the Book of Mormon, so we go every other day and read to her. Its great and she really loves it and its great for my pronunciation because she always corrects me when I pronounce something wrong. haha. love it. Then we met with Laura, a older gal who is less active, we brought her the Conference Liahona and taught about what the Liahona is and how we must be faithful, and being faithful means acting, which in the case of a magazine means opeing it up and reading. It was great and she told me that I needed to try out for Miss Armenia... I told her that I'm not armenian and she said that I could just pretend. hmm, a career path I could consider post mission.
We took a littl stroll through the shuka, which is a huuuge open air market. Lots of meat on tables, and severed animal heads proving that its fresh..hehe. no I did not purchase any meat. There was tons and tons of fruit, which is amazing, and just everything you could ever want could be found there. Very cool.
St. Sarkis day was Saturday and what that means is you eat a salty cookie and don't drink any water then you go to bed and in your dreams a man will come and bring you a glass of water and that is the man that you are supposed to marry. Well I ate the cookie, but I drank some water before bed, so it didn't work. Well, hopefully next year, haha.
Also we were at an investigators house teaching a lesson and they had the TV on, (their TVs are always on) and it was some Russian music show with a big live audience. It was seriously something straight out of Hunger Games, mims, all the people looked like they were straight from the Capitol, it was weird. The Capitol exists, apparently it is in Russia, haha.
Church yesterday was such a highlight. We had several investigators there and I sang in Sacrament meeting, "O my Father" to the tune of Come thou fount, and I sang it in Armenian! ha. who knew? It went really well and I only messed up a few words. It was great and everyone was so nice. After church we went to visit a member and her very old ailing father and I sang to him. My goodness the Spirit was so strong! I really felt the truth of what I was singing. We came from God's prescence and we are going to return to live with Him if we are faithful. This is amazing, the Gospel is amazing! I have been studying the abundant life this week and that is what we are promised. We have life, but through the Lord we can have it more Abundantly, what a beautiful thought. I love John 10:10 and Alma 37:37 about this. Read it! I love you all so much! I am in a crazy place. but I have learned so much so far and I can't wait to keep learning!!
love you all!!!
Sister Claire Haynie
ps. The Armenian Apostolic Church was actually suppressed during the USSR, but it was kept alive by the faithful. Amazing that such faith in Christ was able to sustain these people for so long, and so now we can build on that already strong foundation and help them receive the fullness of the Gospel! How great is that? xoxo
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