Claire's Mission in Armenia "I'll Take them and I'll burn them!"

Dear people that I love,

Here I am once again coming to you from Gyumri, Armenia. The weather is still cold, but not quite as biting as before. So I am living just fine.

TODAY WE HAVE A BAPTISM!!!!! AHHHHH so exciting! Arman passed his interview, and so today, which also happens to be his 12th birthday, he is getting baptized! So exciting! Our district leader was telling us about his interview and said he did so well and when he asked him what he would do if he saw bad pictures of girls he replied, "I'll take them and I'll burn them." haha that's the spirit Arman! haha. As this is my first baptism I am just tickled. Sister Arslanian and I are getting a birthday cake for him and we are also singing "A Child's Prayer" in Armenian. We're praying everything turns out well!

This week was swell, really swell. We got to go to Yerevan, the big city and take a trip to Vernissage, the big market with the coolest Armenian stuff, rugs galore, all sorts of wood carvings, amazing. All departing missionaries and their compaions get to go, so I got to tag along. It was great. The city is amazing, they have a metro! It was great. I closed my eyes and it was like I was in Paris again, lovely. But truly Yerevan is a cool place, I can't wait to serve there. Also I bought a super cute little woven/wool backpack, I'll send a pic soon!

Also this week we had a great branch Valentine's Day activity, with games and food and a spiritual thought. It was lovely and the decor was choice, hearts hanging from the ceiling. It was great, young and old enjoying it all, the older ladies especially loved ,musical chairs. haha. An Armenian party is only considered a success if it involves dancing, so I guess this was a success, for we were dancing and dancing and dancing, and I can't wait to show you some new moves when I get home.

Last P-day was great, since we are no longer taking naps, we used our extra time to go to the big Armenian church in town, it was beautiful, the inside is bright blue and gold and Sis A said it was very different from the others she has seen, which is cool. But we had to wear jeans and not wear our tags and only speak in English, so we look like tourists and not missionaries. Not a lot of american tourists in gyumri in the winter, but I guess we do what we gotta do.

The days are going by so fast, can you believe I have been a missionary for 4 months already? What? part of me feels like I have been here forever but another part seems like I just barely got here. Time is a crazy thing. I am loving this though. So hard, sometimes I feel like I am just a little ant being crushed by the weight of this calling, but then I remember the multitude of prayers said on my behalf, the immense amount of love coming my way from each of you, and most of all I remember the name that I wear across my heart. Jesus Christ. He is the reason I am here. He lifts the burdens of what we bear and makes up for our lacking and helps us make these light afflictions work towards our good. Today in the New Testament I read 2 Corinthians 4:17 about the "Weight of Glory" C.S. Lewis wrote an essay on that, though I personally cannot, I highly suggest that you read it. When paired with that scripture it is truly amazing. Goodness, I just love the scriptures. they are amazing. I just started the Book of Mormon over again and I am just struck each time I read it by how much the Lord loves us, the Book of Mormon is one evidence of that. I love it!

Well I shall be sure to fill you all in on our baptism today! YAY!! Strait is the gate and narrow is the way and few there be that find it. Well Arman has found it! WOOHOO!! This church is true! So true, the truest! Love it, live it, with all your hearts and minds and it shall bring you joy!

I love you all so much!!!!


Sister Claire Haynie

Ps. a little invitation to read and ponder this week, 1 Corinthians 13:12- one of my favorite scriptures!


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