Claire's Mission in Armenia: "This isn't Missionary Work, it's Missionary Fun!"

Dearest dear ones of my heart,

This is too true. As hard as this work is, I just can't help agreeing with Elder Andersen's statement, "This isn't missionary work, it's missionary fun!" Especially with Sister Bobzien. This week was a wee bit stormy and so the Hunters came out again, and served me very well. But amidst the rain and thunder we walked and walked, people giving us the funniest looks and yet we kept trodding on, up hills and down and singing songs all the way. Something beautiful happened that day amidst all of that walking though. We said hello to a woman, Anahit was her name, whose son had just committed suicide. She was beside herself, asking why this would happen and just feeling desparate for answers. Calmly we took her in our arms, walked down a little path to move off the street and we prayed with her, and allowed the Savior to embrace her. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. The Balm of Gilead is real. The Savior is really there and He will comfort those who seek Him. No matter where her path takes her, into the gospel or not, I know that we have introduced her to divine experience, and that is the beginning of the road back to our Father in Heaven.

Also, I am glad to report that the little family we met last week outside of the church is loving the lessons and we are moving forward. No baptismal date yet, but they are so receptive and sensitive to the Spirit, that I really think that something will open up. Edward kept saying in our last meeting, "These things that you are saying are opening up something inside of me." I love that. I have always felt that the Gospel is not something new that we must add to our life, but rather it is something that already lives within each person, we just have to enliven it. So we will continue and I will keep you posted.

This week we have started running in the mornings because they are sunny and cool and you can't even believe how strong we are getting! Wonder women! But let me tell you, our fellow exercisers, (We are the only ones running), are ALL tatiks and papiks, scooting around in their little sweatsuits, totally flabbergasted that a couple of young girls are out running. Hilarious.

This week was Zone Conference, and because we are such a small little mission, we had the conference for all of Armenia. It was amazing. Patriarch Neunschwander (spelling?) emeritus member of the 70, was in town giving patriatrchal blessings, (they can only get them here if they can understand russian, and he only comes a few times a year). Anyways, he spoke to us about unity, most specifically individual unity. Individual unity, he said, is a integrity between ourselves and the call that the Lord has given us. I love that. He also said, "When you work with faith and focus, you give the Lord something to work with." when we are diligent the Lord will truly work through us, the work we do will not be the tawdry efforts of men, but rather the eternal work of a Divine Being. too true. I just LOVE zone conferences because I get to see all of my pals, (minus 4) from the MTC and the excitement in the room and the joy of seeing everyone is truly Sons of Mosiah/Alma-worthy.

The week just kept getting better and better, capped off with two days of watching General Conference. SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! It was living scripture and if I could I would watch it over and over again, I felt like I was apart of something so great when they mentioned the missionary force and I could know that I was a part of that. We are the Army of Helaman, and that is amazing. So.... my thoughts from conference.

First of all, I love the scripture that was quoted three times, 1 Peter 3:15, "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." There is a special hope within us as members of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and as we have that we must be ready always to share that with the world. Second I loved Elder Cook's message on peace, I felt like it was totally inline with the Shoreline Stake theme of Peace this year, good work Dad! Also, as I have been studying light a lot in my personal study, I simply loved President Uchtdorf's message on light, I thought it was so clear and beautiful. Also, Elder Clayton's talk on marriage, Sister Dalton's fantastic talk on "Act well thy part" and I loved the YM president, President Beck's talk on ministering (Yes we watched the Priesthood session with the elders) it was so fantastic, about the love of ministering and how it has to just be a part of us, and I loved when he said that mocking and teasing have no place in church meetings. That is something that I have seriously loved about my mission thus far. In our districts and zones we have so much fun and joke and laugh to no end, but there is not a single word of mocking or teasing, and it is in a place like that that the Spirit will dwell and inspire us. Finally I loved Elder Bednar's talk on Chastity, not simply because that is such an important topic especially in today's world, but because of the way he went about it. He focused on the why of chastity, the doctrine behind it. It's the why of the Gospel that motivates us to live it, for as we know, "he who has a why to live for can bear almost any how" When we sincerely understand the why of chastity, living the law becomes easy, because then we have the Spiritual knowledge and assurance that it is a law given by God.

Also, thanks for not telling me that BYU choirs performed! I had a little hissy fit for about a second thinking about how I had given three years to BYU choirs and never once got to sing in conference, and then I got over it and enjoyed the AMAZING music and getting to see so many friends on the big screen, goodness it was beautiful.

The work is hard, goodness it is, sometimes it feels like the blocks are endless and the unsmiling faces go on forever, but then I remember that every soul I pass is a child of God. They have divine potential and they ALL need the Gospel. There is not a single person living on this earth that does not need the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So we pick ourselves up, radiate the light of Christ that is within us, and give the Lord our all. I love this work, and I am excited to be a part of it for the rest of my life. I am just so glad that I have this opportunity now to realize the vital importance of it and then live it forever and serve like a million senior missions.

I love you all, and I love that I am a part of this great work, along with so many people that I simply love, to name a few who are now serving, Tara in Uraguay, Amanda in Taiwan, Sophie in Denver, Olivia in France, Berit in Tahiti, Kimberly in North Carolina, Meg in Minnesota, Taylor in Moscow. this work is everywhere and needed by everyone. I love it.

Sincerely and with a big huge hug,

Sister Claire Margaret Haynie


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