Claire's Mission in Armenia: "A Miracle has Occurred"

Dear Friends and Family and everyone I love so much!

As I have previously stated, I have been witness to a miracle. Mara, Rita and George, our golder than gold investigators became our much beloved MEMBERS on Saturday May 4th. Just 10 days after we met them on the street, they entered the waters of baptism and made that beautiful covenant with the Lord. I have never seen such prepared people in my whole life, it was like something out of an Ensign article. They were just looking, seeking the truth and once they found it they did everything they needed to do to ally themselves with that truth. They are such amazing examples of faith and devotion to me. Everything they say and do is dictated by their desire to follow God and ensure that they are able to return to live with Him again. Because the kids only read in Greek, they have been going to a internet cafe to read the Book of Mormon in Greek everyday.They know the church is true and they have made that very important step to begin their path that leads to our Heavenly Father. On Sunday, they received the Holy Ghost, and Mara, the mother hugged me after and just held me so tight and expressed how grateful she was to Heavenly Father that we were able to meet and show her the way to Him. I have scarcely been so happy in my whole life. George, the 11 year old son of Mara, said that he was going to put lifts in his shoes and change his passport so that it said he was 18 so that he could serve a mission right now, he'll have to wait 7 years but Rita, who is 14, is excited she only has to wait 5. Soon, we are not sure how soon, they are going to move to France, so LIV!! Look for them if you ever serve in Metz! Wouldn't that be the coolest? Anyways, I am filled with love and joy, and though we don't have many other promising investigators right now, I am confident that the Lord does perform miracles, as a woman once told me before my mission, "Expect miracles."

The heat has come and the days of walking are puctuated with frequent stops for ice cream, which they sell on basically every corner. a blessed relief. Yesterday we were walking and a man came up to us and started speaking english, very unaccented english and said he used to live in LA and had a girlfriend whose dad was a Bishop in the Mormon Church. He got deported so he has been back in Armenia for the last 15 years, and has a wife and two little kids, he told us to come over anytime, because he loves Mormons, and he loves to speak english. haha. But the cool thing was, while we were talking to him, we showed him a picture the Salt Lake Temple and we were talking about Eternal Families, then this other man walks up, points to the Angel Moroni and says, "That's Moroni" then he proceeds to give a brief overview of the Book of Mormon and the various Quorums of the Priesthood. Sis B and I were thunderstruck, then we come to find out he is a less active who just moved here. WOW. So hopefully we can help him become active again.

I was reading Psalm 23 this week. I don't really know why but I was drawn to read it this week and I am just so glad I did. It is so beautiful and full of comfort and peace, and the truly wonderful thing is that I have sung it so many times, every time I read it the music just flows through my mind and fills me with such peace. I remember exactly when I received a testimony of Jesus Christ as my Savior and it was when I was singing "Psalm 23" by Z. Randall Stroop with Seattle Childrens Chorus. The Lord is our Shepherd, He shall lead us to the pure water, to the Green pastures and the abundant life that awaits us there. Such peace. Oh how I love you all so much, how grateful I am for all of you, your love and support and constant prayers on my behalf. This is the work of the Lord, He is caring for us every step of the way and is always ready to run to our aid. I love Him so much. I love you all!! Hope that you have an amazing week and I am sooo soooo excited that Mother's day is this week and I get to see my family!!! Hooray!!!!! Hooray!!!!
Sincerely, Your Favorite 22 year old Armenian Sister Missionary, Sister Haynie!


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