Claire's Mission in Armenia: "The People have Protested"
Well dearest ones. They raised the price of marshutnis and buses by 50
dram this week (about 10 cents) and the city rebelled. The youth took to
the streets and it was amazing to see a people that I did not think
capable of affecting public change, make their feelings known and
actually do something! The price went back down for now. and so no more
large protests will be getting in our way getting home, don't worry we
were safe, they are very mild people here.

A word of congratulations to the Prince and
Princess on their new little boy. Did I hear the name is George?? We
were on the bus last week and passed the british embassy and there was a
cute little sign out front that said, "Its a boy" so that's how I found
Miracles have happened this week!
We had exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders this week (Like the
Aps but sisters) and they are amazing sisters! I was with Sister
Broadbent who is going home in a month but is in serious denial. But
anyways, she is amazing. She is so committed to her purpose and she just
exhudes love! She helped me so much. Love them.
This week we met with an amazing
family, Sara is the tatik and then there is her daughter Anahit and
Anahit's two little girls. They are great and are the neighbors of one
of our members. They are so prepared and accepted a baptismal date at
the first meeting!! It was amazing! We are so excited for them! Once
again my testimony was strengthened of the fact that the Lord is truly
preparing people to accept the Gospel.
We met with Stella this week. She
is the wife of our Elders Quorum president and she just told us
yesterday that she has been reading the Book of Mormon, but hasn't felt a
thing. Come to find out she told us that she doesn't want it to be
true. Sad. I have realized time and time again that everything begins
with desire and without desire the Spirit cannot touch us. We are closed
to it without that little spark of desire to know if it's all true or
not. We are not giving up, but it was really sad to hear. As much as we
teach and invite the Spirit, we cannot create the desire for anyone,
they have to come to that on their own.
This week I decided to make a list
of all of the things that poke at my spirit. When our Area President,
President Lawrence was there last February, he invited us to do that and
fast and eliminate some of those things from our lives. I did it then,
but for some reason I was feeling a little bit lacking this week,
lacking in love, in drive, in I don't know what. But I made a list and I
committed to the Lord that I am going to eliminate those things from my
life. I am not perfect at it yet, but I have noticed that I have been
happier and much closer to the Spirit, and I am just so grateful for
this special time that I have to put my life in the hands of the Lord
and let Him shape me.
Our mission president and his wife
came to our branch yesterday and they bore their testimonies in
Armenian! It was amazing and the members were just so impressed! They
are great and seem to be adjusting well.
Well I love you all! The work is
true and it is the most beautiful message of hope and love and peace and
eternal joy and I feel so blessed that I get to bring that message to
the world! The Lord is so good!
Love you.
Sister Claire Haynie
ps. I was reading in Alma 5 this week. I LOVE the questions he asks. read it and ask yourself those questions. its amazing. 
Sister Broadbent and I and cute cute sisters, Varvara and Lena (Members of about 6 months)
Me and my dear friend and poet, Vahan. he is amazing. ( he is holding the most recent poem he wrote us)
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