Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Your fate is written on your forehead..."
Dearest dear ones,

This week was full of ups and
downs and lots of in-betweens. First of all, we met with our dear little
family, Sara and her granddaughters, Julietta and Christine. They are
amazing, already read past Mosiah 18 in the Book of Mormon, they are
more than happy to live the Word of Wisdom, and we just feel so blessed
to be able to teach them and learn from them. Amazing people. Also, our
dear little Lida, the tatik who the elders met on the street, is
progressing well and just LOVES church! I love seeing people connect in
the branch without any help on our part, the Lord knows that all new
converts need a friends and in such beautiful ways He helps bring that
to pass. lovely.
We had a zone training meeting this week and they
are truly some of my favorite meetings as a missionary. We get together,
all the missionaries in and around Yerevan and we talk about the
direction the mission is going and the new focuses that the Mission
President wants to emphasize. There is a new focus on using Preach My
Gospel more in our study, such inspiration! I love that book, it is
truly pure light from the Lord. I would encourage you all to study it!
It truly is scripture from our Latter Day Prophets.
Had some interesting meetings with some of our
investigators. Zinaida confessed that she is in love with Arnold
Schwarzaneger and has decided that one of the elders in our branch looks
like him and has fallen in love. (he doesn't, perhaps she needs her
eyes checked) so we have our hands full with her on sundays. haha. Also
we have Anush who has decided that her whole family is against her and
wants us to let her live at the church. too bad its not allowed.
But we had some beautiful moments this week. Andre a
14 year old investigator of the elders, was baptised this week and his
testimony was just so beautiful. He just loves the Lord and His Gospel
so much, so prepared. We also had the wonderful opportunity to teach
primary this week! We all memorized Mosiah 2:17 and then we made little
missionary tags for them and gave them the First Lesson pamphlet for
them to give to a friend, they are such darlings, it was so fun to teach
them, we are hoping to do it more in the future! There is something so
pure about the spirit in primary, all of these innocent little souls so
ready to do anything for the Lord. amazing.
We also had a great Relief Society activity this
week, which involved cleaning the church (Sister K and I took the
bathrooms) and then we ate dolma, my favorite food here. The treats at
any activity are just as if not more important than the activity itself,
so lots of people show up for activities. haha.
Well my dears, this week was good. just full of hard
work and hot days and guidance by the Lord. Transfers are coming next
week, can you believe it!!! I have no idea what will happen, if I will
stay or go or train or what. Who knows! A new adventure whatever it is!
I love you all so much!!
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie
We met a man on the street who said that he could tell you if you were
smart or not by looking at your forehead and inside your mouth. So I
raised my eyebrows and stuck out my tongue and he said I was going to
live a long life and that I was very smart but had a bad memory. hmmm.
Primary!! Apparently Daniel thought we were in Asia not Armenia (I guess it's technically eurasia...)
Andre's Baptism! Such a great day!!
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