Claire's Mission in Armenia: "In case you didn't know, missionary work is hard".

Well my dearest ones, this week was hard.

Our golden Knaric and Armine are in Yerevan this week and can't meet and were supposed to be back but haven't answered our calls. I have come to realize that sometimes things just don't go the way we want them too, no matter how righteous our desires are. Though my language is improving by leaps and bounds, (seriously I can't believe that I can say all the things I can say) we haven't really gotten to teach much this week, people are busy or they don't answer our calls, etc etc. But I have decided that I am here in Gyumri for a reason, and even if it feels like nothing is working, I am doing what the Lord has called me to do, and I have to trust that He has a plan for me and for these people.

The mud has continued this week and though in Armenia March 1 is the first day of spring, there is still snow falling, hmmm. Sis A took a little spill in the mud this week, so sad, luckily we were close to home so we could get her home and changed out of her muddly clothes, oh dear. I will never look at mud in quite the same way since being a missionary here.

There were 4 birthdays in the branch this week, and our resident pastry chef, Elder Arshakyan, baked cakes for all of the occasions. Too yummy! I sang for several of them, and they were all thrilled. I think that is seriously one of my favorite things about being here, I just sing and sing and even if I can't say something I can sing and they can feel the Spirit.

I've been thinking a lot about why the Lord doesn't just proclaim from the housetops the truth of the Gospel and make everyone realize how much it will help them. But agency, always agency has to play a role. People must choose to accept the message of true happiness that is found in the Gospel. There is no other way. We merely invite, we are conduits for the Spirit, but if they choose not to obey, to hearken to the Lord, that is their choice. Sometimes its hard feeling so powerless. But something that has comforted me a lot this week is Alma 7:11-12. The Lord truly knows everything that we have gone through. He has felt it all, every sadness, every pain, every disappointment. He knows. He literally knows perfectly how to succor and comfort His people. I love that and I love how I have this chance to become so keenly aquainted with that fact being on a mission. A mission is 90% hard pounding pavement in the snow and everyone looking away from you not wanting to talk, and it is 10% pure joy, like the pure joy of seeing Arman passing the Sacrament last Sunday. Pure joy!! Eventhough it is so hard I am so grateful because I have always know that the work of the Lord is not for the faint of heart and even if I had once been that faint of heart I am now confident that I can do hard things.

It is hard to see the plan of the Lord, but I think the key is just to trust that He in fact has a plan. A tailored plan for each and every one of His children. I am here in Armenia as a part of my plan and I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world, despite the moments of frustration and sadness, I find joy in every day and I just know that the Lord is keenly mindful of me and my situation. Well this week begins week 12 of the mission field, and as of next sunday I will have been a missionary for 5 months. Where has the time gone? Time is really an odd concept. But I am loving every minute of this, missing you all, but I know that you are all just a prayer away. I love you all, This is the work of the Lord, it may be hard and it may seem like hitting your head on a brick wall at moments, but this is His work. This is His truth, and I get to share that message of hope and joy everyday, and I am eternally grateful for that.

Love you allll!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo Sister Claire Haynie

ps. Liv, So EXCITED FOR YOU LETTER!!! "Was that Claire? You two sounded like kitties?" BTW I wear my kitty socks all the time and think of Gladys and Knightly, our two favorite grey kitties.


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