Claire's Mission In Armenia: "Mi hat hampoorel cezi?" translation: "May I kiss you once?"

To my dearest ones,

"Mi hat hampoorel cezi?" translation: "May I kiss you once?"
Well this was said to me this past week by a 75 year old man. We met him on the street and he said he was a former investigator of the elders but didn't want to come to church until he got married. Well I guess I looked like I was available, boots and nametag and all. I was so shocked when he asked to kiss me I had to pause just to make sure I was really understanding what he was saying. Luckily Sis A is quick on her feet and quickly responded, NO. He looked quite downhearted and said goodbye and left. Oh dear Jean, I am sorry.

This week was great. We finally have some new investigators and we met a few angels this week. Knarik and Armine. They are amazing. Mother and daughter, Knarik met the elders on the street and being a single woman, they gave her number to us. We went to her house and met with her and her daughter and it was one of the most touching experiences of my life. So Armine, she is about 25 but has severe disablilties because in the big earthquake she was stuck under a building for several days. She cannot walk well, but she can speak and little and the love and joy emanating from her is amazing. The amazing thing is that no matter how hard their lives have been they are still full of love and joy. One of the miracles I have seen. So we started teaching them and we are planning on going back this week and I am so excited to see how things go. Before we left I sang "I am a Child of God" for them in Armenian. It was one of the most tender experiences of my life thus far, a pure taste of heaven.

Our dear little Arman is doing so well, this week he received the Aaronic Priesthood and next week he will be passing the Sacrament, So amazing to see him progressing in the Gospel. Oh how i just love this work!!

This week has been filled with several little funny experiences, like seeing a huge poster for Julio Iglesias, as in Enrique's dad, coming to Gyumri. oh dear, I guess he has work out his welcome in Las Vegas. haha. Also we had a taxi driver who was a 60 year old man, who asked us if we would mind if he played some Rhianna, "She's so great!" haha. oh dear.

The snow is melting and the mud is incredible. like you could not believe it. yuck. mud is barfy, thank heavens I have decent boots. The warmer weather is great and I am really liking not having to wear a hat my huge mittens (though dear Susan those mittens are a life saver) and just walk unrestrained. Its great and people around are much more prone to talk to us it they are not freezing their buns off.

The work is progressing, slowly but surely. I am loving it, it is so hard but I am really making it a priority to find something to delight in once a day, and usually its not too hard to find. I just love the scriptures and I wanted to share Mosiah 16:9, a beautiful scripture on Christ as our endless light. It's so true. He is the true light.

I love this work and I love all of you so much!!!! xoxoxoxo Sister Haynie

ps. Liv- I sent you a letter about 2 weeks ago to that address you gave me (I guess its spelled wrong, whoops, but anyways let me know when you get it, I get worried about the post offices here...


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