Claire's Mission in Armenia: "No I am not crazy, and yes my feet are dry!"

Dear loved ones,

So this week was good, filled with warmer days and an ever increasing supply of Armenia's finest mud. Monday last week we took a little adventure in the city with our trust travel guides, Lianna and Siranush, darling girls and amazing missionaries from our branch. We went to this cute little park in the center of town that was built around 1900 and has some beautiful stone work. It is also home to three of the saddest lions on the face of the planet. They have the smallest cages you have ever seen and I was in tears by the time we left, I just felt so bad for those poor little kitties. Then we walked across town to a cute little Armenian/Russian church which commemorates a battle that the Russians fought in Gyumri agaist the Turks. It was the cutest little church with a resident cat and a tiny little old man that told you the history of the church. The history student in me was purring with delight. They we went to the church for a little pingpong and then learning how to make Bonchics (Armenian donuts) from our Armenian elder, sooooo good.

This week we went out to one of the villiages that is near Gyumri to see one of our members and an old tatik that we have taught a little, her name is Kino, which actually means movie, but we think she was probably born just as movies were coming on to the scene, so maybe her mom heard the word and thought it sounded fancy, haha. She is the one in the picture with Sis A and I. A lovely tatik, we taught her about Adam and Eve, at the request of her caretaker, Melsida, a woman in our branch. So we told the story of Adam and Eve and when Melsida was saying that they realized that they were naked, Kino was simply scandalized and started laughing uncontrollably, it was seriously sooooo funny, seeing this 98 year old lady bent over with laughter.

We also met with a less active woman in our branch who was one of the first members in Gyumri, she has been coming back to church recently and we met with here to offer her encouragement and get to know her. We also met her husband who is not a member, but such a good man, I knew he was good from the moment I met him because he was holding a little kitty in his arms as he opened the door for us. Robert, such a good guy with so many good questions, about why bad things happen to good people, where we are going after this life, and why it sometimes feels like God does not listen to our prayers. All questions that can be answered by the gospel, my goodness I am just so grateful for the light and hope of the Gospel in my life and especially this amazing time that I have to share that light and hope with the people of Armenia. What a beautiful thing.

Well I was talking to our branch president's wife at church yesterday and she said that when Branch president first saw me he thought I was a little crazy because I was wearing "farmer boots" hahaha. So some think I'm crazy and others are clammoring to lay claim on my boots as soon as I leave. haha. My feet are warm and dry and I can hose the mud off, that's all that I care about.

This week during personal study I have been rereading the talks from last Conference. MY GOODNESSS, so amazing. I especially loved President Uchtdork's talk, "Of Regrets and Resolutions" such great reminders of making the most of every opportunity, Also I just LOVE the January 2013 ensign. Elder Andersen's talk, "Reverence for God is the beginning of Wisdom" is wonderful and I loved the whole theme of wisdom. truly so inspriring.

This work is still hard, still heart wrenching when you see all of the Children of God who refuse to accept the joy that is waiting for them and yet when they recognize that joy and truly feast on it, that is a pure taste of heaven.

So Sister Arslanian is leaving me this week. We have yet to receive transfer calls, but I may be writing to you from a different place next week, and at the very least, I will have a new gal by my side. So sad to see Sis A go, I have learned so much from her and I will truly miss her.

Well until next time. I love you all, I love this work and I am so happy to be here doing the work of the Lord!


Sister Claire Haynie


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