Claire's Mission to Armenia: MTC Week 3

Another week has passed and I can hardly believe it. I am so relieved to hear that all is well with charlotte and that she is home safe. Thank you sooooo soooo much for the packages! LOVED the tights and mints and everything! Just wondering if I could get the purple blankie and my perfume if possible. Also, I have not yet received my ballot...hope my franchise is not being usurped. LOVEd the pics of Halloween, it was great to see how much fun you were all having. We had a pretty low key day, I wore my mustache for about 10 minutes but then had to teach so I removed it...haha. but it was a hit! I also wore all of my animal pins and said I was a zoo. haha.

This week has been lovely. The days go fast and the weeks go faster, its hard to believe its already p day again. We had a great sunday, sister Stevens from the Primary general presidency came and spoke and the Spirit was so strong, she focused on the song, "If the Savior stood beside me." it was so amazing. Then than night, Brother Allen came from the Missionary dept and spoke about the explosion of missionary work, it really is so exciting, he said that we should probably plan on being able to train 3 months after getting into the field. wow. Then on Tuesday Elder Don Clarke of the 70 spoke about the word HELP and how that was really our purpose. to help and uplift.

Teaching this week was amazing. It was hard and there is very little time to prepare when you have three people to teach. But Elder Sarafian and I did well and really invited the Spirit, it was amazing, to feel His power working through us. Our teachers, who also play our invesitgators, are amazing. Brother White, BRother Carlson and BRother Stutz are super.

Scripture study was wonderful this week I highly suggest studying prayer, especially from the Bible dictionary, and I love 2 Nephi 32:8-9. read it. I LOVE it! We are teaching prayer at the TRC tonight and I am very excited.

The MTC is an amazing place. I am feeling so at home and though the world is literally flooding and storming around us, this peaceful haven is full of the Spirit and love in such a huge way. I love it. I feel like my mind is expanding and my heart is becoming 5 times bigger every day. We ate lunch with President Brown, the MTC pres the other day and he quizzed us on our purpose and where to find the doctrine of Christ. So many great scripture passages about it! Read 2 Nephi 31. Well I hope you enjoy the pics!! The people here are the best best part! I really do love it!

xoxoxoxoxox Sister Claire Haynie
ps. give Juanita brooks a piece of my mind will you mom? We are working our little buns off here to help people know the truth and then she goes and ruins it. dumbo.
Also Olivia is safe and sound in Rennes, France
Also mims put the pic of me and liv standing in our blue and red skirts on my fb and the rest of the pics on the blog.

LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! I can't WAIT to see where soph is going on her mish!!!


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