Claire's Mission to Armenia: MTC Week 7

A big Barev Dzez to all my dear ones!!!

Can you believe that I have been here for 7 whole weeks? In 2 and a half I will be Armenia bound so please please send you love notes to arrive to me well before my departure on December 17th, I would be so loathe to miss anything because it arrived after I left.

Well First off a Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We had a seriously wonderful day. Despite having to do laundry at 5:30 am, We got to hear from Elder Holland of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles, which was beyond exciting. He spoke about how blessed we are to live at this time, with the Gospel's fullness on the earth, we have more opportunities than our ancestors could have ever dreamed of. It really is amazing and we should constantly be grateful. Then we had a great meal, just the normal turkey fare, pretty good, the rolls aren't even comparable to mum's, but decent anywho. Then we did a service project putting together hygiene kits for children in Mali, it was a fun assembly line type thing, with jazzy church music to work along with. Then we had a great little program with singing and a fiddle and a thanksgiving skit. Then the best part of the day (Other than hearing from an Apostle of the Lord) they handed out popcorn to every person and we got to watch 17 Miracles on the big screen. It was sooooooooooooooooooooo good. I bawled my eyes out the entire time but I loved every minute of it. It really was such a great end to a great day, for I am just so grateful for everything that my pioneer forebears have done for me. They truly were amazing.

The rest of the week has passed like every other week. Days filled with class and teaching, and more class and Armenian up to my eyeballs. We did have a fantastic fireside with Brother Allen from the missionary department, we watched a ton of old Mormon Ads and learned from the amazing taglines such as, "Its not who you aren't, its who you are, and being yourself it being great." as funny as it is, its also very true. haha. Charlotte, you would have loved all of them! Sis, we watched, "Will you read me a stowey" too and all I could think of was you saying that all the time. haha. Watched "Legacy" for Sunday movie night, so cheezy but so good. The male romantic lead really needed carolyn's eyebrow service however. Then Tuesday was a wonderful devotional with Elder Gavarret of the 70, who spoke about how we must desire to have Jesus walk with us. All I could think of was the SCC version of " I want Jesus to Walk with Me" how I love that song and how perfectly it expresses how much we need to stay near the Lord. Important in missionary work and in life in general. Another big happening this week was that I finished memorizing Joseph Smith's first vision in Armenian this week, its so great to have it playing in my mind at all times and it just happens to be the perfect amount to time to hold plank at the gym, haha.

Well I hope that all is well at home. The Christmas lights and decorations are up here, they are lovely, but how I wish there was more music playing around, I just love Christmas music so much, so I sing a lot in my head.

The teachers here are great, they are so full of insight and scriptural knowledge, last night we had an amazing discussion on Agency and how it is all about Choosing the Lord over evil. I highly suggest studying 2 Nephi and soaking all of that amazing knowledge that is there. The Scriptures are just full of the best things! I just love them!

Anyhoo. I'm doing well. By next week I will probably know my travel plans for Armenia so that will be so exciting and I will let you know all about them!

love you all!!!! Astvatz dzez het! (God be with you)

Sister Claire Haynie


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