Claire's Mission to Armenia: MTC Week 8

To my dearest, nearest and loveliest friends and family,

Well it's Thursday again and here I am at the computer. First of all a HUGE thank you to mumsie dearest and her amazing package this week. I nearly cried when I saw my black sweater, the Trader Joes treats and the C. S. Lewis quotes. A true care package. So grateful! Also a BIG kiss and hug to Grammy and Grandad for the darling tin of Frango mints. I love love love them, and so do the elders in my district, my Australian friend said it was the best American chocolate he had ever tasted! :) Another big excitement is that we got new desks and chairs in our tiny little classroom. We have huge desks and cushy chairs with wheels on the bottom. It may sound kind of lame but trust me, it was terribly exciting. Though everyone in class is sick (Not me thanks to my gummy vitamins!) we are comfy.

First excitement was seeing Sis at TRC last week! She looks great and it was sooo soooo fun to see her smiling face awaiting me as I came to teach. Friday was Sister Nelsen's Birthday and her brother sent her a cake so we had a party which was lovely, filled with treats and some hymns we got going on, what a party right? Also I had the privilege of singing for the Senior Missionary Orientation, I sang "My Soul Hungered" and they loved it. Singing just brings me so much joy and it was such a privilege to sing a solo.

Teaching this week was great, Gago is really progressing, and has a baptismal date! So exciting! Our last lesson with him was so filled with the Spirit, I just testified how much God loves him and I really felt it, I teared up and so did he, it was an amazing experience, seeing how the Gospel can really change lives.

Transfers have come again. This time I am back with an Elder, Elder Littlewood, he is great, from Ogden and full of the Spirit, we have moved to teaching his investigators, and together we have a new investigator so now we are teaching 6 lessons a week, which is hectic but good practice for the field, which did I mention will be here in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS!!!! AAHHHHHH. This is really happening. I am going to Armenia. wow. One of our district goals this week was SYLing (Speak Your Language) all the time, and it has been great, speaking Armenian as much as we can to get ready to go and teach the gospel to them! This Gospel is true and I can't wait to share that with the people of Armenia!

Wasn't the Christmas First Presidency Devotional amazing? I just LOVED President Uchtdorf's talk on being a good receiver, rather than just a good giver. Such an important thing to remember, for how can we give with no one to receive? On tuesday we had the privilege of hearing from Elder David Evans of the 70, he spoke of Opening you mouth and having faith that it will be filled. Also he said that we have to Rejoice, his words were, "Grow up and find Joy in the work of the Lord!" I love that, this Gospel message is one of joy and love, so we who share it should be filled with that love and joy!

One of teachers gave the most amazing workshop last night, all about studying. Being a good teacher only comes when we have been a good student. I truly believe that is true, and one thing that I am so grateful for is the time that we have to study while here, the language and the Gospel, there is just so much to learn! I love it!

Best luck in finals my dear BYU / college friends! With less than 2 weeks left send those letters soon or it will be too late! So far as I know I leave December 17th, but I get my travel plans either today or tomorrow. Ahh so exciting!

Love love love!!!

xoxoxo Sister Claire Haynie.


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