Claire's Mission to Armenia: MTC Week 4

Yes, our wildest dreams have come true and i will be known as Sister Hynie in Armenia. Thanks so much for the weather report. I sent in a suggestion to get it included on the screens around the MTC but they have yet to heed it.
Well as they say in Oklahoma I've gone about as far as they can go...I was made Coordinating Sister last sunday, the highest responsibility for sisters on the mission. Its basically relief society president for the branch. Pretty exciting, and I get a binder and have to go to meetings so that is fun. haha.

This week has been swell. At the end of Last P-Day we have a birthday celebration for my teaching comp, Elder Sarafian, who had just torn his miniscus (Luckily he just needs physical therapy, nothing too serious), we had a pumpking bread and sang and it was a blast. i will try to send pics next week. Then on Sunday was Mission Conference since it was fast sunday-Our MTC presidency spoke and their wives and something that one of the Sisters said really hit me. "The root of joy is gratitude. It is not joy that makes us grateful but gratitude that makes us joyful." I love that. Gratitude is truly at the root of joy and at this time of Thanksgiving its a good thing to remember.

Elder Zwick came on tuesday and it was Phenomenal! I really wanted to go up to him after and say hello, but Dad could you please send him an email and tell him how much I enjoyed it? He and sister Zwick spoke about Discipleship. He said discipleship is four things: Continuous, unconditional, compassionate, submissive. I love that. Four things that we can all work on.

Teaching has been amazing this week. We have been studying the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion and on Saturday we taught our English investigator, Adam, who is a Masters Student in Physics. He was originally Christian but had become agnostic. We began two weeks ago talking about the reality of God, and last week we spoke about the Restoration, the Spirit was so strong, and afterwards I just felt so at peace. We are just vehicles for the Spirit, that is something so important to remember. We just open our mouths and the Lord fills them. What an amazing power.

Well on a more mundane note, I am dying for a pic of Mimi's new hunter boots!!! I bet they are soooo cute! Also I never did get my ballot in the mail and I am so mad! My first chance to vote and it was taken from me. Well beware of the legal pot, yikes. Thanks to Susan for the package and cute shirts. Mumsie, when you send the package with my blankie and perfume could you send a copy of my farewell talk, the song O my soul hungered, and check and see if I left my black scoop neck BP sweater.

The days are starting to run together. the days sometimes feel like weeks and the weeks like days. But the schedule is easy to cope with and they keep us busy. I am really loving it here. 6 more weeks and I will be in Armenia, We saw some pics last week and I am so excited to get there. The people are waiting and i am working hard to be able to communicate with them.

I love you all so so sooooo much!!! Have a great week and send Dearelders!! I LOVE THEM!!!!!!

xoxoxo Sister Claire Hynie. (That will take some getting used to.)


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