Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Charity Never Faileth"

Dearest Dear ones,

Big City life, its a wee bit different. As many times as I have said this, I really feel like this week was a turning point for me. It was hard. Investigators were just nonexistent, and no one was very interested in meeting with us. boo hiss. Also we moved into our new apartment, which is a little bit south of the big downtown, and I am once again on the 5th floor. no AC, but no worries, all is well and it really stays quite cool. Anyways, so things were a little bit stressful. I was at a bit of a breaking point on Saturday, and I cried a little and I was just feeling like a failure. But Sunday morning, all of that changed. During my personal study I had this distinct feeling that I needed to study the Christlike Attribute of Charity. I began to read and study the scriptures and it was like a fire began within me, a light growing brighter and brighter until I was truly just filled by it. Charity has become my quest. As I walked down the street on the way to church, it was different, I saw the people I passed differently and I think for the first time I actually felt genuine, real and sincere love for every single person that I passed. Charity, though a commandment, is also a gift from God that we must plead for His help to truly attain. beautiful. 

So its been 8 months. 8 months since I have seen my kitties, 8 months that I have donned the black name tag and worn the below the knees skirt. I cannot believe it has been so long, but also it feels like this has always been who I am. I love it. I love it with every fiber of who I am. A taxi driver yesterday told me that I need to find some happiness, ie get married, have children, do things for yourself, etc. I said to him, I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, and I know that the only way that I will be truly happy in the future is if I am doing this very thing right now. I love it. 

We had an amazing Zone meeting this week where we shifted the mission focus to temples. Baptism is but the first step, and without the blessings of the temple, baptism really doesn't mean much. Its hard because the temple here is hours and hours away, but they take a trip 2 times a year and it is a great motivator to help people see and decide really how important it is. The temple is amazing and I have decided that one of the first things I want to do when I get home is go to the temple. its hard going for so long without it. Being here and seeing people who get to go maybe once or twice in their lives, really helps me to see how important it is, that we can never take it for granted and when we have the privilege of having one nearby, we have to truly use it, we have a responsibility, and the great honor. 

Well, we are all in such excitement for our District Conference this week with Elder Russell M. Nelson in attendence. I have been asked to sing for the Saturday portion and I am very excited!! I'll tell you all about it next week!! I love you all, I pray for you all so much!! This is the work of the Lord. He is directing it and He is buoying up His servants! I love you! Just remember, CHARITY NEVER FAILETH! 

love your favorite sister missionary in all of armenia, 
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie. Inline image 2Inline image 1A bit of nice grafitti in Malatia, and one of my favorite people of all time, Susanbar! More pics of center and sister Kellis soon to come!!! 


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