Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Totally soaked twice in one week."

Dearest dear ones, 

So it's not often that you get completely drenched from head to toe one two separate occasions in the same week. 
The first was a suprise rain storm, well really I should just say it was cats and dogs and all other members of the animal kingdom and some terrific thunder and lightenng, just as we got out of a bus to go home. When we entered the bus it was drizzling, and 10 minutes later as we got out it was pouring, so we dashed home, run run run, and when we got home we looked in the mirror and it was horrific, see picture. funny as all get out and a nice rainstorm is just what you need sometimes. 

The second totally drenchment was right after church. Armenia has this great little holiday called water day when it is legal to throw water on anyone and everyone with no repurcussions. We knew it was coming, so I kept my BOM in my bag. As soon as we left the church (luckily we arrived dry), the men from the adjoining car wash got us from behind with buckets and thene some people from the building next door got us from above, then one the way home it was various water guns and goofy boys with very large buckets of water. totally soaked, again. luckily it was hot.

This week we also got to do sister exchanges, which are one of my new favorite things! You get to go to a new area and meet a new pal and eat new food and sleep in a new bed, just for a day! Its such a fun little refresher I was with Sister Morreal, who is in her training right now and it was amazing to see how well she was doing and help her with a new perspective on the work. It was great and I really learned a ton about the fact that I do have enough language to be successful and that I take change when I have to. It was great all around, and she is a super cute fun girl. 

So.....the new President has arrived! We had a great meeting with him on the fourth and got to know him and his wife. They are lovely people, a little intimidated because they have never lived anywhere besides Price, UT, but thats okay, The Lord has called them and they are here. He is very tall and chipper and cheerful and so I am sure that it will all be just great. I still miss President and Sister Carter a lot, but a change is as good as a rest. thank you mom :)

This week I have been reading through the conferene edition of the ensign and loving every minute of it. I reread Elder Hollands, "Lord, I believe." goodness such an amazing talk. Read it here I love how candid he is saying that we all have valid questions, but we cannot lead with what we do not know, but rather we must lead with our faith and never lose what ground we have already won. The Lord is with those who demonstrate integrity to their faith. We cannot ever forget that. 

I have been a missionary for 9 months on wednesday. only 9 more months are left. It has really gotten me thinking about who I am, who I have become and who I have yet to become. I feel like I have been refined, stretched and changed in such important ways I am just so excited to see what the next 9 months will hold for me!! I am so grateful for your support and love and I feel like, though miles and miles away you are helping me to change. I love that. I love you all so very much! This is the work of the Lord, of that I have a firm, firm testimony. As one of our elders always says, I wouldn't be here, doing this, unless I really knew it was true. I know it, and I love it! I love you! 

xoxoxox Sister Claire Margaret HaynieInline image 1
This is Sister Morrel and I, sorry its sideways. 
Inline image 2
After our dash through the rainstorm. 


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