Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow"

Dear Gentle reader, 

Another miracle has occured, well actually they happen everyday but this one I can send you a picture of! GRETA GOT BAPTISED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know. I was lacking faith too. But in a miracle meeting with President Carter, (Who leaves today), he helped her to see that she was ready and that she needed to take this step of faith. it was beautiful. She said yes and never looked back. This Saturday she entered the waters of baptism and I cannot even express the amazing love and pure Spirit I felt as she embraced me, dripping wet and all, after her baptism. A taste of heaven for sure. 

The rest of the week seems to pale in comparison to that amazing experience, but it was still so great! We had a special meeting with President Carter, as he is departing today, and it wa beautiful. He and his dear wife, just bore their testimonies and expressed how much they loved us and they exhorted us to "Carry On" and they said that was inspired by the pin I wear on my bag, "Keep Calm and Carry On." I just love that. No matter what happens, no matter what may come into our paths, we must keep calm and carry on. With God and Jesus Christ with us, we can conquer anything. I have such a testimony of that. 

Well we are melting here in Yerevan. Yes I have a fan, two in fact-and they work just swell, yes we have no AC, and yes I drink lots and lots of water and eat lots of icecream. So no matter the temperature, we are really quite comfy. So don't worry about me. ESPECIALLY BECAUSE I GOT THE MOST AMAZING PACKAGE FROM MOM!!!! Sandals, short sleeved blouses, it was like better than Christmas, everything was perfect, eventhough the bag of gummy vitamins exploded and they were everywhere, no matter, they still taste just fine. Mom, you really are the best! 

Also may I mention something that makes the summer heat in Yerevan all the more sweet? the best most sweet most delicious fruit you could ever imagine, is grown in Armenia. The apricots just make you want to die they are so good. So we eat lots of fruit and lots of cucumbers and tomatoes which are fantastic and only getting better as the weeks move forward and the weather gets hotter. Everything has a silver lining. Also watched the Missionary Broadcast, what an exciting time to be a missionary. wowee. 

A HUGE plus to receiving mom's package is that inside was the May conference ensign. that was the best part! Oh how I love Conference. its seriously so amazing. I read a talk this morning by President Uchtdorf, "The Hope of God's Light," read it  here. amazing. I love the idea of light, how it fills us and heals us and helps us see the bright side of things. Oh how I love the Gospel.

Well my dearest ones, its a little short this week, sorry, but I just want you to know that the God is a God of miracles, totally and completely, I know that for absolute sure. I have seen them and I continue to expect to see so many more. God can do amazing things in our lives if we only rely on Him. I love you all!!!


Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

PS HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHARLOTTE!!!! and HAPPY HAPPY CANADA DAY!!! also, happy happy birthday AMERICA!!! goodness what a week this is. Inline image 1
our dear little Greta (Mom I love the new skirt!)
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this is our dear Armine, one of our members who wants us to come see her everyday. we comprimised to once a week :)
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with The Carters after the baptism


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