Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Summer in the City"

Darling dears across the globe.

This week was filled with hot sunshine and rainy, thundery days. It was a busy week, which is always a good thing as a missionary, but tiring nonetheless. First of all, our dear little Greta is just inches away from baptism. seriously, so close. She just feels inadequate and unprepared, though we went through all of the interview questions and she answered them beautifully. We are hoping that there is just a concern she hasn't brought up yet and that a solution will come quickly. Miracles can happen. This week we also met with the Carters and Stella. Remember when I sang at that wedding a few months ago? Well, the bride is now an investigator and President and Sister Carter have been working with her, but since they are leaving and we are over her area, we are picking her up. She is an amazing girl, so sweet and kind and loves the church, but she is having a hard time gaining a testimony of Joseph Smith. any suggestions? 

Well this week I had my last interview with President Carter and Sister Carter. Goodness how i love them, and when you are in their prescence you cannot help but feel their love for you. It is amazing! I am excited for the new President, but I will just miss them oh so much. I have learned so much from them, especially about consecration and love and how when we really give ourselves over to the Lord, He gives us back something so much better. it really is so beautiful. 

This week we also took a trip out to a little village where our Branch President lives (we are not yet one of the wards, still need a few more tithe-paying active men...) but anyways he has a little pig farm and works at the American Embassy as well. Also our 1st counselor lives out there and has bunnies, some just a week old! They were just so tiny and cute!!!!! Fun to get out of the city for an afternoon. The bus we rode on, i kid you not, had at least 60 people on it. mind you people do not shower terribly regularly here and there was no AC and it was at least 90 degrees, and add the factor that we were mostly on unpaved roads. oh dear. all I could think of was the song from the PBS show Arthur, "Crazy Bus" and truly it was. 

We met with a less active woman this week named Isabella. Isabella is blind, but it a translator and holds 2 masters degrees. She is amazing and has amazing faith, but coming to church is hard for her. She said when we were there that she would love to connect with other blind members in America, (she speaks perfect english) and so if any of you know of some members of the chuch who  would be interested in chatting, let me know. she is awesome! 

Our little friend from the flower stand asked me to write him a poem to translate. the only one I could think of was "I am nobody who are you" by Emily Dickinson. He was excited to translate it into armenian and then chinese, did I mention that he is also learning chinese? A flower selling linguist. I love it. 

This morning I finished the Book of Mormon again. Once again I was struck by the pure beauty of the last few chapters of Moroni. Their clear doctrine and peaceful counsel to hold fast to Faith, Hope and Charity. I love that. It is just so clear. The Book of Mormon is true. Moroni's promise really works, and it works over and over agaon, no matter if it is our first or thirty-first reading of it. I love it! Read it everyday and your life will change. Hope all is well. I pray for you often. 

xoxox sincerely, 

Sister Claire Margaret Haynie
Ps: happy happy birthday to Olivia yesterday!!!! 
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With my dear President and Sister Carter!!! ps. mom and dad, you should go to their homecoming in Brigham City!! I don't know details, but I will try to find out!


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