Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Living on a Prayer"

Dearest dear ones,

Perhaps this statement is more than just a cultural reference to the fact that I am halfway through this, the best experience of my life thus far, but also a clear statement of the most important concept I have learned thus far on this mission of mine. We are here on earth to learn and live and grow to become more like the Savior, and how do we do that? Through prayer of course!! The best mode of communication from the foundation of the world! 

Anyways, so this week. This week was hot, rainy, and filled with ice cream, funny old ladies blowing us kisses in the metro, and thinking about where I have come in 9 months of the most wonderful thing I have ever done. 

First of all, last Preparation Day was wonderful. The Sisters in our district, Sis Robles and Wynn, live in Artashat, the hottest part of the mission. They came to the big city and we had lunch and went shopping, and ate the most amazing apricot icecream I have every tasted. Have I raved about the apricots here? I could go on for hours, but when they are made into homemade icecream, it is pure divinity. We had a lovely time with them, and I really could not be happier with the amazing missionaries that I get to spend my time with. A mission is really such a great opportunity to make new friends! 

So our little friend, Vahan, the man whose wife sells flowers and he writes poems and knows 12 languages, well he wrote us each poems last week, in such beautiful Armenian calligraphy (see picture). He invited us to his home to meet his neighbors and so we rode to his house in one of the five taxis he owns, and met his delightful neighbors who, like so many Armenians, think we are such nice girls and are more than happy to listen a little, but as soon as we say anything about prophets or Priesthood authority, they keep their remarks to the tea we are drinking (despite the 100 degree weather, have I mentioned that Armenians are deathly afraid of getting cold?) and what the life is like in America. So anyways, its always nice to meet new people, but always sad when they have no intention of accepting the pure joy and eternal happiness that we are offering them, in a sense, on a silver platter. I think about that a lot. I mean, what more could people want, than to be handed the most eternally significant, sure fire way to everlasting happiness, by two nice looking, nice acting, young and cheerful girls in skirts? I mean its not like we are dour, unhappy old maids trying to beat the truthfulness of the Gospel into people. We are joyful because it is joyful. As simple as that. Take it or leave it. 

There is a woman in our ward who is one of the most beautiful older ladies that I have ever seen. She is quiet and poised and always has such good comments in Relief Society. We decided, one evening, when nothing was working out, to give her a call and go and pay her a visit. We were delighted when she said of course we could come over and even more delighted that when she invited us in she greeted us with a plate of fresh dolma. The food was wonderful and getting to know her, our dear Hasvira, was wonderful. It turns out she was a member of the first group of people ever baptised in Armenia, she was taught by the first senior missionaries that opened the country and she has been faithful ever since that first day over 20 years ago. Also, get this, she was the one who translated the Book of Mormon into Armenian! She speaks beautiful english, and she told us some of the experiences and miracles she had seen when she was translating and it was just so beautiful to hear how clearly she had been blessed by the Lord to do His work. I just love getting to know the members here, they have such amazing stories of survival and faith, and how the Gospel changed them and continues the change them. Its beautiful. 

We are praying hard to find a family to teach! Its hard to talk with people on the street because there just aren't that many people out when it is so hot. But the Lord will provide, He truly is preparing people here to accept the Gospel. This I know. 

I was reading Elder Oaks talk from last conference and one quote really stuck out to me. "Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice, but a continuous committment and way of life that applies at all times and in all places." I love that. As a disciple of Christ we are unaffected by our surroundings, we will Follow Christ despite the tauntings of the world, the difficulty of the way or the peer pressure working against us. That is the only way to find true happiness, because Christ is the WAY, the only Way, that leads to peace in this life and happiness in the world to come. 

I love you all so much!! Have a wonderful week! You are all just amazing! 

Sincerely, Sister Claire Margaret HaynieInline image 1
The poem that our dear little Vahan wrote for me! It talks about how I am doing God's work, and it is lovely, I think I am going to take a language study and translate it. (Charlotte, notice the ring I am wearing!!!)


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