Claire's Mission in Armenia: "WE HAVE A STAKE!!!!!"

Dearest and Nearest, 

This week was a moment of history for the church in Armenia. Nearly 22 years after Armenia was dedicated for the preaching of the Gospel, at our district conference, under the direction of Elder Russell M. Nelson of the 12, Armenia became a stake. it was amazing. Tears were shed and prayers were answered. District conference was amazing, the whole country of Armenia was there and it was such a thrill to see people from all of my different areas, my dear Gyumri and Malatia and now Center. It was amazing to see so many people that i love so much, all in one room. I think it was a taste of heaven. 

It was wonderful as well, because despite his very busy schedule, Elder Nelson and his lovely wife as well as President Malm of the Area presidency and his wife, had a special meeting just with us as missionaries, and all of the missionaries in the mission were there, our dear little Georgians even came for the occasion. we were all in one room and it felt amazing. Elder Nelson asked us all to send an email home thanking our parents for sending us on missions and missing us for this special time, so mum and dad, an Apostle would like to say, "thank you." One thing that he talked about that I just loved, was the reality of angels. He and his wife Wendy, talked about how angels are anyone who either has lived on this earth or will live on this earth. Sister Nelson told us we should pray for angels, and I just thought of all of the angels that I feel around me, I seriously feel like the veil is just so thin. Also he talked about how the ancestors of those we teach are helping them along, so we should recognize that. I  just loved everyminute of being in his presence, peace, joy and love. 

Well this week was scorching, and as we were huffing and puffing, the people we met with just said, "wait til august" oh dear. But we have some good fans and bought some to carry with us and so we should be fine, melting but fine. 
Our beloved Readings, the CES couple are gone, and we will miss them very much, but on the bright side, they cleaned out their cupboards and gave everything to us. It was amazing! Senior couples don't usually go without, so she had baking powder and vanilla and brown sugar and pam spray and peanut butter and it was amazing, so grateful for generous people. 

Our dear little Greta is just so close. She is still living with a very controlling mother and we think that may be the problemo. She is 50 and I say, if her mom lets her come to church for the past 3 years, she should let her be baptized, but we shall see. She is a lovely woman and I just know that the Lord has so many blessings in store for her if she will be baptized.

Something else that Elder Nelson mentioned was that we cannot receive blessings without obedience. It is impossible. God is unchangeable, and he abides by the laws that he puts in place, thus he will not bless until we are obedient. I have seen that in this mission so clearly. We have been seeing so many many miracles, like the new Armenia Stake, (let me know if we are in the church news or ensign!) and the fact that we have baptised in the first 6 months of this year, as many people as we baptized in all of last year. Miracles come from obedience. I know this for sure! 

I just love you all. This is hard, this is taxing and this is the best thing I could be doing right now. I love it. There is a little man we pass in our neighborhood and he knows a little english and loves to say it when we pass. Yesterday he looked right in my eye and said, "You are very kindhearted." wow. that was just about the nicest thing anyone could have ever said to me. 

love love love

sister claire margaret haynie
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Our beautiful MTC group (minus Elder DeBry) 6 months after being in country
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Fans are needed. ( a little sweaty are we...)
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A beautiful park in the north part of our area


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