The perfect day in Paris...

In our lives we seldom have perfect days. In a city as busy as Paris, our hair is bound to look ugly one day or we will spend the day wishing that France had drinking fountains or at least accessible toilets. But once in a while a perfect day comes our way, a day whose taste you hope to savor forever.

The days here have been splendid, but some are just more splendid than others, thursday was the splendidest.

Thursday started out as any other. It was sunny and warm, and at 11 o'clock we headed to the train station. Today, however, we did not go to the Institute for church, but rather traveled to Monsieur Olivier's apartment near the Eiffel Tower. We were greeted by our highly charismatic teacher and after class were given assignments to gather food for a picnic. I was on the treat team and we went to three different patisseries to garner the sweets necessary to feed our program of 26. Others went to find cheese, ham, fruit and juice and after an hour we met together and walked a block to the lawn in front of the Eiffel Tower where we sat and ate our scrumptious food for three hours. The sun was shining, the food was divine and I could not help but feeling amazing as I lay on the picnic blanket with my friends and talked about music and life. Pure bliss could never be anything more.

After our picnic my dear roommates and I went to the new Woody Allan movie, "Paris a Minuit," a cute little film about the magic of Paris that I highly recommend. After the movie we went to the Eiffel Tower once more but this time, at the stroke of 10 o'clock, its sparkled. Sparkled in a way that no one can really understand until you see it. Watching from a bridge across the Seine, we turned our eyes towards the lit up tower which dominated the sky and whose light touched everything in sight. As i munched on my strawberry nutella crepe, my love for Paris seemed to swell within me. The perfect end to the perfect day.
