Rock Gardens and Mille Feuilles
The time here has really started to accelerate. I simply do not know where the days go and there is just so much I want to see, and much more I have yet to eat! Yesterday we walked among the myriad of graves of the Pere Lachaise cemetery, certainly the most chock-full place of death second only to the bones of the catacombs. I gave the perfunctory kiss to Oscar Wilde, paid my respects to Moliere and DID NOT follow suit and smoke p
Continued our walk through the many ins and outs of the area around Notre Dame, lots of walking and lots of sun. Ended the day with a picnic in the gardens of St. Germain en Laye, loved it.
Today was school, per usual, but I enjoyed a guided tour through the renaissance architecture of the Marais courtesy of Professor Hudson and made a stop at the Musee Carnavalet, an amazing little museum which has various rooms decorated in a style to reflect each century of French history since the dawn of the middle ages, very cool. Only saw a small portion, I fully expect to return soon. Just finished a sumptuous repas, great except for the endives, a new discovery which does not agree with my taste buds. Another day gone. until tomorrow.
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