My favorite place in Paris. ..

is simply, the Musee D'Orsay. What a place! One room is full of Degas, another Van Gogh, another Monet, what a feast for the eyes! Sadly photography was interdit, so no pics, real sorry. This weekend was magical. One day was spent wandering through the catacombs of paris, home to 6 million of Paris' finest skulls and femurs. The ceiling was low and dripping and I felt thoroughly spooked as I was surrounded by bone after bone, the heat of the sun has never felt so splendid. Saturday was spent in the Orsay, and as I have previously mentioned, I was charmed and astounded by each and every piece which delighted my eyes. Later that evening was Le Petit Palais, a palace which is not so petit and has ceilings which are to die for!
Sunday morning was Gregorian mass at Notre Dame, a really cool experience, amazing acoustics and thundering organ music! Church was splendid later that day and then home for a much needed nap. Dinner with Nannick's charming grandson Theo, and talking late into the night with my lovely roomies.
Monday was splendid, study group in the city with my class then out to St. Germaine en Laye for a whirlwind tour of France's archeological past housed in the Chateau. Lovely day ended with a walk in the park with the roomies, perfect end to a lovely day.


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