Un autre jour à Paris.

So Bin Laden's dead and we all breathe a sigh of relief, for those of us in Paris, we were told to try as hard as possible to keep to french and practice vigilance. Don't go to protests, avoid riots...etc, the norm. Days 4 and 5 have been lovely, characterized by more and more exploration, culminating in tonight's visit to the Champs Elysees and L'Arc de Triomphe! This lovely trip was prompted by a botched attempt to go to the Eiffle Tower. After school (first day was today and it was wonderful!) a group of us decided to try our hand at navigating the metro to an entirely new place. Alas this was thwarted by a mess in the metro in which we got on the correct metro but suddenly a singsongy voice came over the intercom and commanded all to disembark. Instead of wasting our time waiting for a train we decided to take our chances, depart from that station and see what we could see. We came up and the Place de Concorde, walked through a lovely park and found ourselves on the Champs Elysees. Filled with hundreds of shops and even more people, it was a lovely walk in the soft light of evening. One moment I was looking into the amazing windows of Cartier, and the next thing I knew I was looking at the Arc de Triomphe, an enormous structure which was simply amazing to behold. Paris, in the five short days I have been here, has captured my heart, going to school in Provo has never sounded more uninspiring.

School was lovely today. I'm taking three classes, French Literature, Culture and Conversation. Nothing too terribly grueling and being a girl who loves to go to school, there is no better accompaniment to my time in Paris.

Dinner was scrumptious, a melange of fish and mushrooms over pasta and fruit salad for dessert. Off to homework, for every joyous experience comes at a price.


  1. Um, I feel super-great about you having a blog. Hooray!! Now I can vicariously love Paris too!


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