This was written days ago, but blogger was being silly...
So first of all, his name was Gaspard...
Secondly, as he introduced he suddenly moved closer and closer to me and before I knew it he was bisous-ing me! Kisses on both cheeks and I was nearly thrown into a giggle fit. Gaspard is the charming godson of our host mother, and two days ago he stopped by and dazzled us all. The days have just kept on coming, and more and more I feel like I am getting into a routine, which makes me feel quite at home. Tuesday was class yet again, but this time we had a Macaron tasting courtesy of our wonderful professor Olivier and the Pierre Hermé patisserie. Due to our amazing luck, we each got three cookies! I chose Caramel (my personal fav), Chocolate (tasted like yummy fudge!), and passionfruit milk chocolate, oh so yummy! After class Kayla and I traveled with a few of the other members of our group to the Hotel de Ville which is currently housing a smattering of the impressionist era art of the Musée D'Orsay. Walked among Renoirs, Van Goghs and Monets for an hour (it was a small exhibit), closely watched by guards to make sure I did not pull out my camera. Amazing experience. Dinner was lovely, I hardly remember what I ate after meeting Gaspard my brain went just a little fuzzy, haha. I do remember dessert however, I just don't think one forgets creme reversé, amazing flan-like item with a orangy- caramel flavor, Nannick promised to share the recipe! Just heading to class, a picnic at the Eiffel Tower today(thursday, will describe soon)! Bisous!
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