Dear dear ones,
This week was great. really stellar. Our investigator H, is getting baptised in February!! We are so excited. He just finished the Book of Mormon in just over a month and we had a great lesson on the Great Apostasy and the Restoration of the Priesthood and he finally accepted the invitation! We are over the moon. miracles. As we were teaching with our dear dear senior couple, I was just hit by the sure brilliance of the restoration of the Gospel. I mean, it just makes so much sense. The truth in its fullness was lost after the death of the apostles and in those years of confusion, people were truly seeking for truth, but without a Prophet, they just couldn't find it. The fact that we needed a restoration, not just a reformation, is just so clear. I love that the Gospel makes logical sense as well as being so beautifully true.
Snow fell in abundance this week but the exciting thing was that we got two whole days of blue skies! I hadn't see the sun in ages, and seeing it, it felt like i could finally breathe. love the sun.
We had the primary program this week and it was hilarious. It was the first that has ever been done in our ward and I thought it was great. Each of the 7 little kids got up and did their little memorized part and every one said what they were supposed to and even elaborated a bit. One girl, a little 6 year old, was talking about faith and said that if we don't have faith we are going to fall into darkness's lap. Not quite sure if that was what she meant to say, but it was a good image. Without faith we are literally sitting enfolded in darkness. too true. Perhaps it wasn't perfect, but it was a worthy first try.
Well friends. I bought a fur coat. haha. Our dear dear taxi driver told me he saw one in a store that I just had to buy. He insisted that I go and try it on and it was pretty and not terribly expensive. so. now I am the proud owner of an Armenian fur coat. haha.
This week I restarted the Book of Mormon and I have decided that I am going to highlight all of the Christlike attributes (The ones from chapter 6 of PMG). It has been amazing to see how often they are mentioned and how often several of them are all connected. Truly. When we are striving to develop one attribute, we cannot help developing some of the others as well. It's beautiful.
Dear ones, I am so happy to be here serving the Lord in Armenia. I have now called this place home for 13 month and I love it. I can't wait to tell you all about it and about these people that I have come to love so much.
Sister Claire Haynie

snowy snowy park in Yerevan after District meeting

Our church building in Artashat! The only one in Armenia that the Church actually built.
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