Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Borscht Borscht and more Borscht"

Dearest dear ones, 

I must say that here in Armenia, we have some pretty goooooood food. I mean, I have learned to love things that I never thought I would (Yes sis, I love lentils now) and one of my favorites is a russian soup called Borscht that is comprised of cabbage, potatoes and beets. really it's amazing. Something to know about Armenia is that every teaching appointment, any visit, or really any extended conversation, must involve something that is lovingly referred to as hyurasirutsyun, or love of guests. as it is translated into english. In other words, food is given to every guest in an Armenian house. So, to say the least. we eat a lot. But this week was interesting. Sometimes all we are given is a little candy or cut up apples or some salty (but delicious!) armenian cheese, on rare occasions we are given an entire meal. This week we were given meals more than often and four times, yes four times, we were given borscht. haha. I mean I love it, its great. but four times in one week? that's a little much. I think I will be happy to be borscht-less for the foreseeable future. 

This week has warmed up and we have finally shed our boots! I feel like a free bird with just my little shoes on. What a difference a few degrees makes. Not to mention the lack of mud here in lovely Yerevan. 

A happy Valentines day to all of you. Its a decently big holiday here, but is better know under it's Armenian name, St. Sarkis day. Here in Armenia, a country where most people have very vivid and telling dreams, they have a tradition that on this day, all unmarried but marriageable people, in other words, young single adutls, are to eat a cookie that has been made with an inordinate amount of salt. Right before bed, one is supposed to eat said cookie and not drink any water, for once you go to sleep, in your dreams the man you are supposed to marry will bring you a glass of water. Romantic right? Well, all three of us, decided that we wanted to try it, since we are of age and though not currently marriageable, in the not too distant future, we may be. Haha. So we bought the ingredients and had a friend in the ward make it for us, (we thought we had better let a pro take care of it for us), and there we had it. all wrapped up cute and ready to eat before bed. So we came home and did our planning and each drank about a liter of water, then we ate the cookie. Or should I say, we tried to eat the cookie. it didn't really work. I took one bite and well let's just say I couldn't keep it down. I tried again and finally I was able to swallow, but I cannot even describe how horrid it was. And it was all for nothing. i didn't have a single dream, and woke up the thirstiest I have ever been in my life. Maybe it only works if you are armenian. dang it. 

Have I told you how much I LOVE my companions? Well I do. We went to the office this week for sister W's visa stuff and a whole bunch of my favorite missionaries were there. Some of them came up to me will worried looks on their faces, wondering how the threesome was going. All I could say is that we are having the time of our lives. Really. It is amazing, because I am working harder than I have ever worked, we are teaching more than we have ever taught and the Lord is blessing us, and we are just having so much fun along the way. This is the way that missionary work is supposed to go. Perfect unity of purpose and the Spirit as your guide and it just works. Plain and simple. We still have moments of meetings falling through, but I have seen miracles as the Lord has rewarded our dilligence with unexpected opportunities. It is amazing. 

This week I read a talk by Elder Bednar from a few years ago. It is entitled, "The Tender Mercies of the Lord." read it here. I love it and it really made me think about what I need to do in my life to choose the Lord and thus be chose to receive His tender mercies. 

This work is the most amazing thing ever!! Man, I sound like such a missionary. haha. But I guess that is just what I should sound like. Really. This is the work of the Lord and He labors with those who have chosen to participate with obedience, dilligence and love. I love you all so much! 

have a great week!!

xoxo Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

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The salty cookies, they look so harmless all wrapped up cute. 
