Dearest ones,
Transfers have come. I have been moved to Artashat which is 45 minutes south of yerevan and is a nice little town near the borders of some interesting neighbors. no worries though, we are very safe. In other news, I am once again training! That was a shock. I thought for sure that I was out of that phase, but the Lord, as soon as we get comfortable, he throws us into something new. so anyways. We are whitewashing this little town and I have to keep reminding myself that if I could get to know Yerevan I can definitely get to know a little town like Artashat. It's a tad hard because I had gotten quite accustomed to being able to buy anything at the grocery store and have transport to take me anywhere I wanted in the city. not so here. But the people are lovely. Very humble and full of love and so anxious to talk to us! It's amazing!
So. comp. Her name is Sister F and she is from Oregon. Super sweet and so excited to be a part of this work. i can't say that I know exactly why we were put together at this point, but I know why she is in Artashat, because she LOVES to talk to people and they people here are super chatty and very patient with her limited Armenian. But she is really learning so fast because she has basically no fear about it, which is great. This place is the fruit and veggie capital of Armenia, it is also the warmest part of the mission, so I will be counting my blessings in the winter when I hear of the poor souls freezing in Gyumri. We are in a ward, which is cool, having a full bishopric and full elder's quorum presidency, though they still have some quirks, but it's going to be great. Luckily, the Senior couple from Center got transferred too. Oh how I love them. When I saw them on sunday I nearly cried, it was so good to see familiar faces. Whitewashing is hard, but then again I know no different. I have whitewashed (meaning that both my companion and I have been new to an area) every, single area I have been in. So I guess this will be a good thing for me if in my future life I have to move to a new city, because I have done it 4 times and it has always worked out well.
I was awfully sad to leave Center though. My dear newly baptised members just cried and cried when I told them I was leaving, and it broke my heart a bit, but I will call them and it will be okay. I just have to give myself over to this work in this place. God's children are here, and they need us to help them find the truth. I love this work and I know that it is true. I know that things that are worth it are NEVER easy. The Lord knew that I wanted to do hard things and so He surely gave them to me.
One perk of this week was that I got to see all of the Georgian missionaries that were in my MTC group because they all became trainers this transfer. Anywho. Transfers are always a little hard at first. But the comfort and the know how comes. I've come from the big city to a little place where someone pays their tithing in tomatoes. and where I can practically touch mount ararat. The Lord has a plan for us. It is up to us to not get in the way of it coming to pass. I love you all.
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

So these ladies aren't members or investigators so I figured I could send a pic of them, also its just such a dang funny picture. We met them after a meeting and they insisted that I take a pic with them.
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