Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Two meals of dolma this week. Taste bud heaven"

Dearest dear ones, 

This week has been an amazing miracle. We have had meetings upon meetings and more member present meetings that I have had in my whole mission. There is such a special measure of the Spirit when a member is present, I am just so grateful for the members of our branch and our senior couples who so willingly take the time to help us in our investigator meetings. I can't wait to be a member present for the missionaries when I get back! Too fun!!

Along with the many meetings of this week comes the inevitable meals. One of our members who invited us to her home to meet with her cousin, decided that she thought we were looking a little too thin so she made us a four course meal twice this week! the funny thing is we had made a huge pot of lentil soup (yes Carolyn, I know, I eat lentils now, sorry for ever making fun of you!) because we thought we woudl be super busy, but the reality was that in being so busy, we got fed like nobodies business, so there has been hardly a meal where we actually were hungry enough to pull out our lentil soup. haha. But we did get to eat Dolma (you can google it) which is my FAVORITE Armenian dish (besides the bread) twice this week! The first was for this little tatik's birthday, incidentally on my half birthday (turned the big 22.5) Anyways it was of the grape leaf variety and very tasty.It's basically a meat rice tomato mix wrapped in grape leaves, or stuffed in peppers or wrapped in cabbage and then boiled in pure yumminess forever. Its great and I promise to make it for you all one day. Anyways so we went to this little tatik's party and the senior couple came with us and brought a little birthday medallion/necklace that she had made out of construction paper on which she wrote, "You are special" I went to put it on the tatik and as I tied it around me she just looked up at me and said, "What the heck is that" (translated into armenian) it was hilarious and I wish that I could send you a picture but alas I cannot, remind me when I get home and I will show you. hilarious. 

We met with one of our members this week and her cousin who is a new invesitgator of ours. It was amazing. The Spirit was so thick it was like an out of body experience where you just open your mouth and the Spirit fills it. That is how missionary work is supposed to be. Missionaries and members and investigators all feeling the Spirit and learning from the Spirit and rejoicing and being edified together! Pure joy. 

Last week's p day was a fun time had by all, the bowling was great, only five lanes in the whole place, but my weekly playing in Senior lifetime sports in High School, came back to me as soon as I had a bowling ball in my hand and I won the game!! haha. it was fun though, and a nice excuse to wear pants. We also went to a few second hand stores near the bowling alley but they were a bust. nothing of note. 

So this coming Saturday we are having a fall party in our branch! Halloween is not much of a holiday here, well actually it doesn't exist at all, and our branch didn't really want to do something for halloween but they were okay with a Fall party, so a fall party we will have. We are making chili and baked potatoes and will have bobbing for apples ( though it may not work because of the lack of teeth in most people's mouths here) and face painting and musical chairs and a cake walk. Should be a truly fun time and maybe I will wear my MTC zoo outfit just for fun. haha. Reports to come next week!

Well this week we were teaching one of our investigators about faith and read Alma 32 together. It is simply beautiful. It just reinforced my own testimony so much. I highly suggest that you all ready it and think about what aspect of the Gospel that you can cultivate a little more this week. 

Well I love you all so much! I just love this work with all of my heart. I had the most beautiful moment in Sacrament meeting last week when our amazing 26 year old rockstar Relief Society president was speaking, I just thought to myself, "I love this so much, I never want to leave." truly these last 10 months of living among these people and helping them come unto Christ, it has changed me for eternity, and I love it. 


Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

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Bowling fun!! there are only five lanes of bowling for the entire country of Armenia. sad. Thank goodness they have real bowling shoes though. 
