Claire's Mission in Armenia: "Once upon a Christmas"
Dearest ones,
So the title of this email come from one of my new fav Christmas songs. My district leader just gave me a bunch of Christmas music last week and one was by Dolly Parton ( Sarah Jane and Sis you would love it!!) and called "Once upon a Christmas" its great. You should all youtube it." 17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being arooted and bgrounded in love,
18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the alove of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. "
I love that idea. Being rooted and grounded in love. Isn't that what it is all about? When we are rooted in love then we are filled with the fulness of God and the love of Christ. What a promise. too lovely. We talked a lot about love at District meeting and we just talked about if love is not our motivation for everything, we have no business doing the Lord's will, whether we are set apart missionaries or not. If we have not Charity, we are nothing. We should be anxiously seeking to increase that love and make it the thing that grounds us. And once it becomes our roots, our foundation, all things become possible to us, because we then have access to God's power. Love can and will change us.
Dearest ones, Christmas is coming so soon. I love it and I am so excited to see my family via skype and I am so excited because there is no better way to celebrate the birth of Christ than to share His love with all. So share it my dears! I will try my best too.
I love you all so much. You make my life full and lovely.
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie
My pretty pretty Mt. Ararat. I am in love with this mountain
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