Claire's Mission in Armenia: "The coat has come out, the tights are not far behind"

Dearest ones, 

This week Fall has really fallen, in rain, in leaves and in the presence of pumpkins in the corner fruit markets and I have started having mint tea in the morning and wearing socks to bed. Summer is over. Luckily I picked the last warm day to have a final ice cream from the Marriott, and I truly picked the best day! Phew. 

It was a bit of a roller coaster this week, great meetings with investigators, investigators yelling at us, investigators peeing their pants at church. what a week. Good though. 

A highlight was a meeting with dearest L (can't say her name in emails anymore, new rules) She is trying to quit coffee and so the elders gave her a blessing and it was just beautiful, She is not completely beat the addiction yet, but I think we are getting closer. Our elders are just amazing, I am just so grateful for their kindness and willingness to help and love in any way they are needed. I am just appalled by that Ordain Women Now thing. Makes me want to vomit, it is just another evidence of these being the last days, because even the elect are being deceived. I mean, we women have enough responsibilities without adding all of the Priesthood responsibilities on top of them! This is just another way that Satan is trying to destroy the family, by making women think that they are marginalized because of their not holding the Priesthood when in fact, if those women really understood their relationship with our Heavenly Father, they would be working harder to build stronger famillies rather than making a fuss for the world to see. As it says in Matthew, they shall have their reward... As mother says, it seems like a "First world Church" problem, from what I have seen here, that goofiness has not come to Armenia as of yet. thank goodness. 

I have been thinking a lot about personal revelation this week. I feel like the Lord allows us to think and ponder and sometimes move in the wrong direction, so that He can gently, quietly direct us to the path we need to be on. One of my all time fave scriptures is Alma 37:37. Check out the footnote. When we counsel with the Lord, He will truly direct us for Good, which means the Abundant Life. What could possibly be better than that? As we increase our closeness with our Father in Heaven, His desires become our desires and that is the key, because then we are living the life that will help us to reach the Celestial Kingdom. 

This week we watched "Together Forever" with out investigator. Its a funny coincidence because I think Olivia mentioned that she watched it last week too. It is amazing! I just love it and its message and its 1980s perfectness. You should all watch it, I bet they sell it real cheap at the DI. 

Well my dearest ones,  I love you all. I have learned so much in this year I have been away from you all. Sometimes it feels fast, sometimes slow, and then I realize that by next conference I will be home. too weird. We get conference a week late, so I am super stoked for that this weekend. Luckily we get to watch it in English while the members watch in Armenian, they use hard words in conference some time. haha. 

Love you all sooooo much!!!!

xoxoxoxo Sister Claire HaynieInline image 1
So we have a tradition in the mission that we have to wear this ungly skirt that has rinestones all over it that a sister's grandma made for her. We call it the Plan of Salvation skirt, Planet skirt for short. This cute little kitty really liked it. Don't worry dad, I didn't pet the cat. (Mims, new facebook pic??) thanks. 

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I bought these little beauties at a market from a little old tatik. wool slippers for 5 dollars and they have the Armenian flag on them!! 
