Claire's Mission in Armenia: "The Mud Chronicles part two"
Dearest ones,
The weather is getting warmer and Im not quite sure if I'm grateful or not. The snow is melting and the fact being that there is only one paved road here, the mud is legendary. I thought Gyumri was bad last year. oh my no.
First off, I wanted to start this week with a miracle. Perhaps it was little and to the careless observer it was nothing too special, but to me it was just a testimony to the fact that God is in the details of our lives. I call it, the miracle of the moleskine. Last sunday, I finished my second journal of the mission, a lovely black leather moleskine, perfectly matching to my first red moleskine that I kept for the first 8 months. Before I had left, I thought that two journals would be plenty, but when I finished the first one just 8 months in, I knew there would be a problem, because to my knowledge, the moleskine brand did not exist here. I was fine and bought a cute spiral bound journal as a back up, but i knew that it was going to be sad that all of my mission journals wouldn't look the same. (Forgive my vanity) Anyways, I hadn't thought much of it and was about to finish my second journal, in just 5 months (I have gotten much better at journal writing as my mission has progressed.) Anyways, last sunday night I finished it, and I was all prepared to start the back up the next day. Then, Monday, we headed to yerevan for a district activity. we went to lunch and went shopping and then we were going to go to these cool big steps that have an art museum inside of them. Anyways, on our way to the steps, I glanced into the window of a stationary store we passed and immediately my attention was caught. There, in the window was a beautiful green leather journal, with a little elastic strap around it. I dashed in the store with my companion following in dazed confusion, and I grabbed the journal, turned it over and there, etched in perfect simplicity, was simply the word "moleskine" You know, it's not important that all of my journals for my mission are the same size and brand. I would have been fine using just my little back up, but the Lord is mindful of me. Completely. He knows how to testify of His love is the most subtle and beautiful ways. And if that is true for me, a little 22 year old girl in Armenia who just wanted a moleskine journal, He is most assuredly aware of those who are struggling with their faith or their families. Our Heavenly Father loves us, plain and simple.The weather is getting warmer and Im not quite sure if I'm grateful or not. The snow is melting and the fact being that there is only one paved road here, the mud is legendary. I thought Gyumri was bad last year. oh my no.
This week was good. Our investigator H, got into some deep doctrine, not sure where he found it, so he is allowing some of his concerns to get in his way of fully accepting the Gospel. We are working hard to just focus on the basics. I have faith that everything will work out.
We had sister splits this week and those are always a highlight. I love seeing all of the other sisters in the mission and it is such a relief to remember that there are others who are doing this too. It was also so great, because for just a few hours because of some legistics with the split, i got to go to my old area, Center, for a few hours and we went to see one of the women that was baptized while I was there. It was such pure joy to see her again. I just love these people so much.
Also, since I have been a resident of Armenia for over a year now, we had to go to the Police station and reregister as residents. It was SO FUN to see all my MTC group, how they have grown up, how they are still the same. It was a party to say the least.
I got so many letters this week and even a christmas package from Grammy and Grandad!! It was wonderful and I am so grateful for all of your love and support. This little missionary sure couldn't do this without all of your, so thank you.
I love you all so much. Remember that Heavenly Father does too. He cares about us and through miracles, small and large, He communicates that truth to us. Look for the miracles, expect them to happen and they most assuredly will.
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

A cool little installation at Cascades (those stairs in Yerevan that have a musem in them)

Dale Chihuly in Armenia! I was so excited! A little taste of the Northwest.
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