Claire's Mission in Armenia:"Shnorhavor"

Dearest dear ones, 

Well it feels like just ages since I wrote. I guess that is what happens when you don't write for a week. Well today I have officially been a missionary for 17 months, can you believe it? You have been patiently reading my monologues for 17 months and I am so grateful for all of your love and support. You are amazing. 

I am sure that you are all waiting with baited breath to hear about Georgia. Well it was great, Tblisi is an amazing and very beautiful city, old and pretty and very eurpoean, it was so funny how different the people look, not at all like armenians and you can tell that it is a very thriving society, though there are endless amounts of gypsies, which suprisingly we do not have in Armenia. They also have a Wendys and a McDonalds. We went to the Wendy's as soon as we pulled into town, and it was heavensent. I didn't think that chicken nuggets could taste so good, but I guess after 17 months, it was a true taste of home. not to mention the chocolate oreo frosty. too fun. We then had a few hours before we were going to meet up with the sisters there and go out teaching with them. So President took us sightseeing a little which was fun. we saw this cool structure called Tempka, (google it). it tells the stories of Jesus' life and georigian history on these impossibly large stones, pics will follow. We also tried to go and see the big church in town but it was mobbed because it was Georigian mother's Day so I guess that involves going to church. Anyways. Tblisi is a cool place, but man, that language is CRAZY! it looks like a bunch of spaghetti noodles, and to hear it is just another thing entirely. I learned about 5 words and I felt pretty conversant. haha. It was funny though, how homesick you can get for a place where you speak the language and you have an expansive love for the people. I was so relieved to get home to my little corner of Yerevan.

So the reason for the trip and the business of all of this week was Zone Conferences. It was amazing to be able to be in four conferences with all of the missionaries in our mission and I loved getting to know President and his lovely wife and the Assistants on a whole new level. It's sure true that you can learn a lot about a person on a road trip!!

The theme of each Conference was chosen by the particular zone leaders in each zone, but President had a specific theme that he spoke on each time, but it was so interesting how he applied it differently at each meeting. The theme was Shepherding. I loved it. It was all about loving every sheep, and taking seriously the call of the Savior to "Feed my Sheep." As missionaries, whether with or without a badge, we are all shepherds, or at least we should be. There are sheep that are lost, that need some extra attention and just a kind word or two. When we step into the role of a shepherd, we are consciously becoming more like The Good Shepherd, and that, of course, is what we are all striving for. 

We are seeing so many miracles I just feel like my heart is going to BURST! First of all, a woman randomly walking into church, it turns out she is relatives with about half of the ward, we started meeting with her last week, and it turns out she is already living the word of wisdom and after having the Book of Mormon for one week, she is already in Alma 30. miracle, plain and simple. Also, I have recently found out that five of my former investigators, (from other places that I have served) are getting baptised this month!! Such miracles, the Lord is so good. 

Well, as to the title of this email, Shnorhavor means congratulations, but they use it for just about anything, but especially holidays, two days ago it was Woman's day in Armenia, so we walked around town to the calls of shnorhavor all day long. it was nice. 

A few last thoughts. First of all, family history is so cool. really. go on you will spend hours on there. second. primary is so fun. I got to translate for Sister Redlin who is the 2nd counselor in our primary presidency. We played with salt dough and talked about Jesus and the little kids were impossibly well behaved and just so cute. lastly. a little kid peed on me this week. not kidding. he was climbing over me as I was sitting on their couch and before I knew it, there was a wet spot on my skirt. haha. oh the life of a missionary. 

Well I love you all so much!! I feel so alive and fully of love and happiness!! I hope you have a fab week and I want to shout out a welcome home to my dearest Olivia!!


Sister Claire Haynie

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Tempka. Pretty cooool

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Next to the Sea of Tblisi. sooo pretty. 

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The big church in Tblisil. lots of people. 


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