Dearest dear ones.
This week was hard but good. Our investigator did not make his baptismal date and i had to learn a lesson in patience. We sometimes think that our timetable is best, and we forget too easily that the Lord's time table is really the only way to true happiness. So patiently we press forward, we have not given up on him yet and we will help him for as long as it takes.
In other missionary work news, we are having transfers this week. I have no idea what is going to be yet, but I will keep you posted. My last transfer. wowee.
We had a lovely Relief Society activity this week and it started out a little lame. We just were given our church cleaning assignments (Which they take very seriously here) and then they looked at us and said, "Sisters would you like to present your games now?" Um... well, no one had said anything to us. oh dear. Well luckily I had a game up my sleeve and I whipped it out and we played a riotous game of "Do you love your neighbor" haha. If you have never played that I will explain it when I get home. Its fun at the best of times, but especially when you are playing with 70 year old tatiks in Armenia. Then we played the all time favorite game of the tatiks of Armenia, musical chairs. Because we didn't have any sound system, our little ward pianist played the piano while we danced. The only problem is everytime she was going to pause for us all to sit down, she did a little flourish so it wasn't a suprise. haha. Incidentally she is also the same woman who sometimes plays "Jingle bells" for the prelude music for Sacrament meeting. haha.
Well we have an investigator currently that cannot read. She is a 23 year old girl and so sweet and so we have taken her under our wing and are helping her learn to read. I have a new found respect for first grade teachers and their profound patience as they teach children to read. Slowly but surely she is making progress, and I know that the Lord will help her.
In District meeting this week we talked a lot about angels and our interactions with them as we have been missionaries. Let me just say, my testimony of the reality of angels has never been so strong. Whether they be my own ancestors or future family, or the family of those people with whom we are working, those on the other side of the veil play a big role in the bringing to pass of this work. Something another missionary in the district said that there are angels whose feet touch the ground and those whose feet do not touch the ground. So for some, we are their angels, and that just changed my whole perspective of how I need to take seriously the role that I have as a missionary and in the lives of these people. See alma 24:14. Oh man. I love this work so much. I can even express how much I love being a missionary in Armenia. This place is full of amazing people and so many wonderful stories. I can't wait to tell them all to you.
I hope you have a wonderful week. Yesterday the sun came out and we have had blue skies for two days. What a blessing from the Lord. He is mindful of us, our needs and our desires. If by faith we approach Him, the visions of eternity will be open to us and His angels will be round about us. I know that to be true. I love you all
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

A little dark, but Ararat was so pretty yesterday!! This is at the only intersection in town that has a stoplight. haha
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