Dearest ones,
So this is the story of our new favorite little bread shop down the street. There is a little window, we walk up to and the fresh bread is handed right to us. It's pure joy. Oh how I wish I could give all of you a loaf of Armenian bread for Christmas, you would love me forever. haha.
Well the snow hit yesterday and it is chillly chilllllly here. Our faithful taxi driver called us this morning to tell us how cold it was and that we needed to dress warm. He is such a dear. Sis-He used to live in Bulgaria!! Anyways I could write pages and pages about how wonderful he is, but I will just have to tell you in 4 months. what? I know. four little months. its too crazy to even say. As of tomorrow I will have been a missionary for 14 months. crazy.
Our Christmas tree is up and it just makes the house so lovely and festive. Mum and Charlotte, your little presents just look so cute under it!!
This week was a miracle week. We started teaching our landlord and his family, so cute and a random contact from the street called us up and we started meeting and he came to church and then we found out that he is already friends with a bunch of people in our ward and it was just so great!! Things are really moving forward here in Artashat!! Miracles are happening everyday.
We got to do real service this week, like put-on-your-jeans-and-get-
dirty kind of service. Along with our relief society pres, who is such a champ, we cleaned a little tatik's kitchen from head to toe and when we were finished she came in an just started crying saying she had never seen it so clean in her whole life. I just love service. so many perks.
I have started something that has really changed the way I work. A few months ago, our Mission president challenged us all to take some minutes every night to ponder. i was loving that but somehow I just always ended up getting distracted. Last week at zone meeting, one of my favorite elders talked about how he and his comp meditate every night for 10-15 minutes before bed. They light a candle and turn off the lights and just meditate. So I decided to start doing it too. We have a little extra room and I turn off all the lights and light a yummy smelling candle (don't worry mum I put it in a jar so its safe) and I just let my mind go. It is seriously become one of my favorite times of day and I feel so much better when I go to bed and my mind is just so much more clear and organized and I love it. You should all try it.
This work is amazing. I called a few of the recent converts from Center last night and it just filled me with joy to hear about how they are continuing in the Gospel and one just finished the Book of Mormon and restarted and it was just like a bit of heaven. I love this work. It is the work of Salvation, truly it is. I love you all so much and I can feel the power of your prayers everyday, in my life and the lives of those I teach. Thank you.
Have a splendid week!!
Sister Claire Margaret Haynie

Cleaning the kitchen. There was just so much dust! Also, the tatik made us wear these skirts because she didn't want us to get dirty... haha

A popular brand of laundry detergent...haha I am afraid to use it.
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